What’s included in registration?
4 Days of Debate Learning
Debaters will learn for more than thirty hours during four days of camp. This is the same as an enitre semester of classes. Furthermore, we are inviting some of the best coaches in Asia
5 Nights Stay
Students either stay in the Jeju National University dormitory or in the nearby Nanta Hotel. Specific roommates can be requested if debaters have friends attending the camp.
2 Day Tournament
At the end of camp, all campers will join a two day, massive tournament: Harvard Korea Nationals. Experience the thrill of BP debating offline!
Camp T-Shirt
All debaters will be in the camp spirit in matching camp T-Shirts! THIS HOUSE BELIEVES.
Harvard debating merchandise can be purchased for an extra cost
Field Trips: Go Carting
As a wonderful way to unwind, all debaters will have fun adventures go carting. There are other amazing attraction that we will visit around Jeju as well.
6 Days of Meals
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner is on us! All debaters have to eat delicious and hearty Korean meals if they want to debate intensely!
Meals will be a combination of dorm meals and restaurant trips. All meals are chosen to be healthy and aware of allergies and preferences. Also, students will be able to eat as much as necessary~
All meals will be provided, but if students want some fun snacks, they can purchase them at a nearby cornerstore.